This case study shows how a simple in-office test helped to discover what nutrients were needed for a patient to recover from chronic pain.
We can ingest calcium, but if we don’t have the synergistic factors for absorption and digestion it can cause more harm than good.
Dr. Alex Vasquez’s Review of JAMA Cardiology’s 2018 “Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use with Cardiovascular Disease Risks”
An Idiot’s Guide To Blood Chemistry by Dr. Greg Peterson.
This example of thinking outside the box, by using the principles of how and why a nutrient works, can help with other conditions.
New data suggest lipoic acid lengthens telomeres; and longer telomeres are associated with long life with less chronic disease.
Test Everyone! 55% Now Have Diabetes or Pre-diabetes. Half of everyone you test will need your help.
Which form of vitamin K should you use? K1, K2, or K3? And what about MK-4 thru MK-10? Let’s clear the confusion.