Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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Thiamine Deficiency: Part 2

By flooding the system with thiamine, he was using thiamine as a drug to coerce the energy metabolism back to life.

Thiamine Deficiency

Thiamine is one of the biggest factors to relieve stress, because it primes mitochondrial pumps, creating more cellular energy.

What Form of CoQ10 is BEST?

CoEnzymeQ10 is an antioxidant and is continually going through an oxidation reduction cycle. Ubiquinone converts to ubiquinol and back and forth.

Monitoring Inflammation

The research is very clear; cancer, pulmonary diseases, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and Alzheimer’s all have one common link: inflammation.

Heart Healthy Cardio-Lipid

100 million people are prescribed statins, yet 52% of patients may not be telling their doctor that they are not taking their medication.

Oral Infections

Addressing oral infections is the single most important thing that can be done for a heart disease or breast cancer patient.

Bio DK-Mulsion & Caps

Studies have shown that K2 slows cancer growth, slows the progression of diabetes, and removes calcium from arteries.

Amazing Heart Studies

The British Medical Journal shows glucosamine reduces cardiovascular disease by 15% and reduces cardiovascular disease deaths by 22%.

Modified Coca Pulse Test

Here’s a simple test that you can teach your patients that has helped hundreds of patients and given me great clinical confidence.

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