EFAs for Dry Skin
If a small amount of friction causes skin to slough off, it is a classic sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency.
If a small amount of friction causes skin to slough off, it is a classic sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency.
Dr. Peterson discussed the tests from his comprehensive metabolic panel, what they mean, and the nutrients that support the physiology around each test.
Functional Medicine Consultant for Biotics Research and Certified Clinical Nuritionist, Daniel Boenning, shares pre and post labs with Cardio-Lipid.
Participants of the NutriClear Plus 15-day Metabolic Cleanse Program had a 65% reduction in their symptoms and lost an average of 7-9 pounds.
Metabolic Endotoxemia refers to toxins that are produced by the microbiome in your gut and the metabolic dysfunction that these toxins have on our overall health.
By flooding the system with thiamine, he was using thiamine as a drug to coerce the energy metabolism back to life.
Adult ENT-Pro is a must-have probiotic. It kills pathogens that create ear, nose, and throat issues.
One size does not fit all when it comes to recommending a multivitamin for your patients.
Thiamine is one of the biggest factors to relieve stress, because it primes mitochondrial pumps, creating more cellular energy.
Excitotoxins are the cause of many neurological conditions, and excitotoxicity is the most destructive mechanism behind autoimmunity.
BioFiber Complete goes far beyond probiotics and is designed to upregulate the health and diversity of your microbiome on multiple levels.
The research is very clear; cancer, pulmonary diseases, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and Alzheimer’s all have one common link: inflammation.