Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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Emulsions & Nano Technology

Biotics Research’s emulsified fat-soluble nutrients possess the smallest particle sizes of commercial emulsions tested.

Transit Time

If we allow undigested food to sit in a heated environment, the process of fermentation begins, and food byproducts begin to rot and putrefy.

Breast Tenderness

Neuro-lingual taste testing uses the body to screen neurologically nutrients that may have the greatest therapeutic value.


Biotics’ emulsified particles are small enough to go directly into the lymph system but not so small that they may create cellular membrane disruption.

Support Your T-Reg Cells

Reinforcing the principles that support T-Regs will not only prolong life but will enable patients to enjoy life. This is true prevention.

Surprising Butyrate Study

Some people are aware that Butyrate also has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, Anti-neoplastic, and antimicrobial properties. But there is much, much more to the butyrate story.

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