Magnesium & Acti-Mag Plus Update
Since magnesium is responsible for over 600 cellular processes, a deficiency can have a full spectrum of negative effects in ALL the body.
Since magnesium is responsible for over 600 cellular processes, a deficiency can have a full spectrum of negative effects in ALL the body.
NSAIDs have serious side effects. Over 103,000 hospitalizations occur each year resulting in approximately 16,500 deaths from NSAIDs alone.
Cytozyme-AD now contains a unique proprietary complex of neonatal bovine tissue and porcine tissue concentrates to help support adrenal health and function.
You will enjoy Dr. Vasquez’s discussion on 25 years of clinical evidence for Vitamin D and its use for depression or mood disorders.
Adaptogens, like Ashwagandha, have been used for centuries to help deal with stress whether it’s physical, chemical, mental or emotional.
Dr. Greg Peterson has had a lot of success treating unresponsive patients and he shares the way he uses a CBC with differential to detect stealth infections.
Start assessing your patients and see if they have signs of hidden infections and look to the sinuses as a focal point of infections.
Dr. Gus Spatharakis shares his compelling results after using the WholeLifeRx system.
Watch this exclusive sample of the Functional Medicine Course with Dr. Ray Bisevac about healing the gut.
“Anyone with bone pain, muscle pain, fatigue, depression, frequent infections, falls, cognitive impairment, statin intolerance should be treated and then tested to make sure optimal blood levels of vitamin D are present.”
Study showed a 65% reduction in cardiovascular related deaths.
Some people have called testosterone the hormone of desire. So yes, low testosterone can cause decreased libido, but the bigger issue is aging.
Right now we are in the middle of one of the greatest experiments in medical history.
Enjoy this preview of Dr. Greg Peterson’s upcoming online seminar on Methylation discussed with Joe Buishas.