Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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Viral Protection

I think all of us can agree that every one of us should be on a preventative immune support program.

Simple Calcium Test

One of the strongest indicators of a need for tissue calcium is muscle cramping at rest. You can do a surprisingly simple test with a blood pressure cuff.

Hidden Gluten

Two studies show accidental gluten exposure is far more prevalent than anyone realized.

Lower Back Pain

When it comes to low back pain, I’ve seen impressive results with a simple “in office” technique for assessing nutrient deficiencies.

Test For Vitamin D

As you know, Vitamin D affect over 3000 genes and processes. But we forget and certainly our patients don’t understand that it takes time for cells to become sufficient.

Relative Acidity

I challenge you to try this simple at-home test, it might surprise you.

Neurolingual Testing

When a patient tastes a substance there is a neurological connection between the nerves in the mouth and the hypothalamus.

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