Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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Assessing Gut Health

74 percent of Americans suffer from some sort of GI discomfort, and gut issues have been linked to virtually every major disease.

Saccharomyces Boulardii

With 70-80% of the immune system living in the GI tract, it’s important to stay updated to some of the players.

2 New Hormone Products

I was really excited to find out one of my heroes worked with Biotics Research to develop two new hormone formulas.

Stealth Infections With Dr. Peterson

Dr. Greg Peterson has had a lot of success treating unresponsive patients and he shares the way he uses a CBC with differential to detect stealth infections.

BioDoph-7 Plus

Probiotics are a big factor in maintaining a healthy GI barrier, which blocks unhealthy organisms & antibodies from entering the blood stream.

Surprising Butyrate Study

Some people are aware that Butyrate also has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, Anti-neoplastic, and antimicrobial properties. But there is much, much more to the butyrate story.

My 5-Minute Gut Exam

The digestion exam I use and how you can use neurolingual taste testing to refine your choices.

Mouth Probiotics

Dr. Vasquez shared years ago that the human mouth is an important part of our microbiome and that it’s a source of infection we ignore.

SIBO With Dr. Howard

The disruption of the bacterial balance creates mal-absorption, leaky gut and a translocation of bacteria into the bloodstream.

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