Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

Heart Healthy Cardio-Lipid

100 million people are prescribed statins, yet 52% of patients may not be telling their doctor that they are not taking their medication.

Hormone Webinar With Dr. Lindsey Berkson

This webinar includes over 16 hours of power-packed content, covering everything from the efficacy and safety of hormone therapies to script writing and patient tracking.

Curcumin Powerhouse

Curcumin has the ability to neutralize inflammation and combat smoldering infections, as well as activate the body’s natural antioxidants.

AMPK Support: GlucoResolve

Finding ways to activate AMPK is a subject you will be hearing a lot about in the future because it fights aging and increases life span.

Oral Infections

Addressing oral infections is the single most important thing that can be done for a heart disease or breast cancer patient.

MetabolicBiome Fuel

MetabolicBiome Fuel is a nutrient-dense ‘superfood’ formula that contains concentrated phytonutrient and antioxidant fiber sources.


Although Selenium is a micro nutrient, it plays a macro nutrient role.

Intenzyme Forte

Medical studies have shown dramatic reduction in injury healing time with proteolytic enzymes.

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