Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

Transit Time

If we allow undigested food to sit in a heated environment, the process of fermentation begins, and food byproducts begin to rot and putrefy.

Emulsions & Nano Technology

Biotics Research’s emulsified fat-soluble nutrients possess the smallest particle sizes of commercial emulsions tested.

Choosing Quality Glandulars

Why would you want to use a gland from an animal that is at the catabolic end of their life cycle versus an animal at its anabolic peak?

Insulin Update

Beyond insulin’s blood sugar reduction and fat storage function, most of us have not considered the many metabolic roles insulin plays.

An Extremely Powerful Antioxidant

Polyphenols are like an antioxidant machine gun, quenching tens of thousands of free radicals; from an antioxidant perspective SOD dwarfs even polyphenols.

Light Therapy

Light is a powerful therapeutic tool, and the more we understand its application, the greater our effectiveness as clinicians will be.

Optimal Collagen

Ingestion of hydrolyzed collagen for 90 days is effective in reducing skin aging, as it reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity and hydration.

NAC: For Dysbiosis And WAY More

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine is a powerful agent in your arsenal against many forms of dysbiosis, but it also supplies other life enhancing benefits as well.

What To Know About CO2

CO2 is a necessary byproduct of the citric acid cycle. In fact, low levels of CO2 reflect ineffective mitochondrial function.

Time-Restricted Eating

Time-restricted eating affects our circadian rhythm, restructures the microbiome, and heals the gut.

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