Non-Opioid Pain Management
Patients have to understand the lifestyle and dietary choices they make sustain their inflammation and pain.
Patients have to understand the lifestyle and dietary choices they make sustain their inflammation and pain.
Biotics Research has partnered with Ananda to provide the highest quality, safest, and most reliable cannabinoids on the market.
New research shows low uric acid is associated with Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Optic Neuritis.
Prevention is always a better investment than waiting to experience the consequences of a weak immune system, like shingles.
What if I told you a simple 15-day program could reduce your patients’ overall symptoms an average of 65%?
Dr. Kirsch asserted that if you move the shoulder through the discomfort, you can regain your flexibility.
What if I told you a simple 15 day program could reduce your patient’s overall symptoms an average of 65%.
Chronic pain more often than not has an immune component; and since 60%-80% of the immune system is in the gut, we need to look there first.
When it comes to low back pain, I’ve seen impressive results with a simple “in office” technique for assessing nutrient deficiencies.
You will enjoy Dr. Vasquez’s discussion on 25 years of clinical evidence for Vitamin D and its use for depression or mood disorders.
I have so many little clinical pearls that it’s fun to just let them fly and let you experiment with them. Here are 8 clinical pearls to use in your practice.
“Anyone with bone pain, muscle pain, fatigue, depression, frequent infections, falls, cognitive impairment, statin intolerance should be treated and then tested to make sure optimal blood levels of vitamin D are present.”