Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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GI-Resolve is a great tasting drink. Other formulas contain additives that can sabotage gut repair, but GI-Resolve is the cleanest GI repair formula on the market.

Hidden Source Of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain more often than not has an immune component; and since 60%-80% of the immune system is in the gut, we need to look there first.

BioDoph-7 Plus

Probiotics are a big factor in maintaining a healthy GI barrier, which blocks unhealthy organisms & antibodies from entering the blood stream.

Surprising Butyrate Study

Some people are aware that Butyrate also has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, Anti-neoplastic, and antimicrobial properties. But there is much, much more to the butyrate story.

Immuno-gG SBI

Right now 55 million people, or one in seven, have developed some type of gut pathology or enteropathy in their intestinal tract.

My 5-Minute Gut Exam

The digestion exam I use and how you can use neurolingual taste testing to refine your choices.

Transit Time

If we allow undigested food to sit in a heated environment, the process of fermentation begins and food byproducts begin to rot and putrefy.

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