Powerful Gut Healing Probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardii If your patients are plagued with intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, leaky gut, or reduced Secretory IgA, consider Saccharomyces boulardii.”
Children’s ENT Pro Story The unique strains of probiotics in Children’s ENT-Pro have been shown to increase natural killer cells and promote health secretory IgA.
Saccharomyces Boulardii With 70-80% of the immune system living in the GI tract, it’s important to stay updated to some of the players.
Your Patients WANT Probiotics Your patients are probably already buying these somewhere else. Let them know why they should get them from you!
BioDoph-7 Plus Probiotics are a big factor in maintaining a healthy GI barrier, which blocks unhealthy organisms & antibodies from entering the blood stream.
Mouth Probiotics Dr. Vasquez shared years ago that the human mouth is an important part of our microbiome and that it’s a source of infection we ignore.