Midwest Distributor for Biotics Research

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Heart Healthy Cardio-Lipid

100 million people are prescribed statins, yet 52% of patients may not be telling their doctor that they are not taking their medication.

The Benefits of Melatonin

We know melatonin has anti-cancer benefits, cardiovascular benefits, anti-viral benefits, anti-inflammatory benefits, and anti-aging benefits.

FMC Session 4 Bonus Webinar: Cardiovascular System

Do you find applying nutrition in your office overwhelming? You’re not alone! This 12-month course in Functional Medicine is exactly what you need. Learn how to significantly grow your practice by adding this popular modality.


VasculoSirt is a state-of-the-art, high-tech product providing comprehensive support for healthy cardiovascular function.

Rediscover Vitamin K

Which form of vitamin K should you use? K1, K2, or K3? And what about MK-4 thru MK-10? Let’s clear the confusion.

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