Combating Yeast Infections By limiting the re-seeding of fungi and bacteria orally, the gut can catch up and restore homeostasis faster.
Beta Plus for Gallbladder Support If you have nausea, bloating, constipation, and stools that are light colored or float, consider gallbladder support with Beta Plus.
NAFLD Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 2 25% of people have early stages of NAFLD. Sadly, they often don’t know about it until it is too late.
Assessing Gut Health 74 percent of Americans suffer from some sort of GI discomfort, and gut issues have been linked to virtually every major disease.
NAFLD Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Not only do 1 out of 4 people have the silent disease NAFLD, but an estimated 20% of that statistic are children.