Lithium: Super-Brain Nutrient
Lithium is a “Cinderella” nutrient in terms of brain health. It’s hard to believe that one nutrient can have such a profound effect on the way we experience life.
Call Your Clinical Consultant:
Marlaine Maahs (651) 491-3488
Lithium is a “Cinderella” nutrient in terms of brain health. It’s hard to believe that one nutrient can have such a profound effect on the way we experience life.
Schools are like distribution centers for all kinds of sickness. Begin this simple preventative program when school starts, as part of a wellness strategy.
CoEnzymeQ10 is an antioxidant and is continually going through an oxidation reduction cycle. Ubiquinone converts to ubiquinol and back and forth.
BioFiber Complete goes far beyond probiotics and is designed to upregulate the health and diversity of your microbiome on multiple levels.
Dr. Greg Peterson has agreed to do a free online course on Blood Chemistry with interpretation from a functional medicine perspective.
The research is very clear; cancer, pulmonary diseases, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and Alzheimer’s all have one common link: inflammation.